The Deep Blue Welding Company is committed to ensuring a safe and
healthy workplace for its workers by eliminating or minimising the risk of
injury to people and the risk of damage to plant and equipment.
We will achieve this by following relevant legislation and adopting a risk
management strategy of:
• Identifying hazards in the workplace
• Assessing risks to workers and others
• Deciding on control measures
• Implementing those controls
• Monitoring that the controls are effective.
Deep Blue Welding is committed to providing:
• A safe work environment
• Suitable and safe equipment
• Information, instruction, training and supervision to ensure competence
and safety.
We will also ensure that:
Equipment is maintained
There are safe systems of work for our workers
Chemicals are used safely.
Managers and supervisors will take reasonable precautions and exercise
proper diligence to comply with safety obligations.
The Company promotes the participation of workers in the safety
program. Workers have obligations under the Workplace Health and
Safety Act 1995 and are expected to follow the Company’s safety
directions to create and maintain a safe and healthy workplace.